24/7 Emergency
(802) 863-2387
Unsung Heroes: Our Blood Donor Program

Unsung Heroes: Our Blood Donor Program

If your pet has ever experienced a traumatic injury or severe illness, you know how frightening it can be when their health and life are at risk. Just as in humans, sometimes pets may need a blood transfusion in these scenarios. Our board-certified veterinarians and...
Battling Feline Hyperthyroidism: A War We Can Win

Battling Feline Hyperthyroidism: A War We Can Win

If you have a middle-aged or senior cat, your list of worries might be longer than it was a few years ago. Although certain conditions and diseases can find cats of any age, some tend to affect older kitties. Of these, hyperthyroidism is one of the most common. We...
Ouch! How to Handle Porcupine Quillings

Ouch! How to Handle Porcupine Quillings

As springtime approaches and people and their pets start spending more time outside, our Emergency & Critical Care Services team always sees an increase in porcupine quilling injuries. Although they say curiosity killed the cat, in our experience, it’s dogs who...
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