How does your garden grow? Silver bells? Cockle shells? Ours doesn’t have any of these either, but with all the great sun and shots of rain here and there, it is showing great promise for some yummy vegetables. Some vegies can be good for your pets too, but we wanted to list a few common garden plants that are toxic and to keep your pet away from–
Bulb Veggies: The basic rule of thumb is if a vegetable grows as an underground bulb, keep it out of Fido’s bowl. Onions, chives and leeks contain a chemical that can break down your dog’s red blood cells.
Garlic contains the same chemical, but in smaller amounts. Some dog foods and treats contain very low doses of garlic, which are generally considered safe by most veterinarians.
Potato and Tomato Plants: These two vegetables themselves are safe to eat, but the leaves and stems of the plants are very toxic to dogs.
Rhubarb: The leaves and stalk of the rhubarb are the toxic parts. Both the stalk and leaves contain oxalate crystals (although the leaves are more toxic), which deplete the calcium in the dog’s body.
Mushrooms: For dogs, all mushrooms are on the unsafe list.
You and your pet can both enjoy carrots, green beans, broccoli, and cucumbers! (In small amounts, cut up in bite- size portions)
Written By Aimee Gilfillan