Client Registration Form CLIENT INFORMATION Primary Veterinarian: Primary Animal Hospital: Pet Owner: Co-Owner: Mailing Address: P.O. Box / Street City/Town State Zip Pet Owner Primary Phone: Primary Owner E-mail: Co-Owner Primary Phone: Co-Owner E-mail: Are you 18 years of age or older? YesNo How did you hear about us? VeterinarianFriendWebEventOther: I give Burlington Emergency & Veterinary Specialists permission to take photographs of my pet for the purpose of posting on Burlington Emergency & Veterinary Specialists’ Facebook, YouTube and clinic website. YesNo PET INFORMATION Reason for Visit: Name DogCatOther: Breed: Color: Gender: MaleFemaleUnknown Spayed / Neutered: YesNoUnknown Date of Birth / Age: Current Medications: I assume responsibility for the above described pet and hereby authorize the veterinarian to examine, prescribe for, and provide treatment as deemed necessary for the health, safety, or well-being. I assume responsibility for all charges incurred in the care of this animal regardless of outcome. I also understand that these charges will be paid at the time of release and that a deposit may be required prior to treatment. I will be responsible for any fees incurred by BEVS in the process of collecting my balance. A 50% DEPOSIT MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO TREATMENT WITH BALANCE DUE AT DISCHARGE