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“Meow”, a stunning 16 year-old feline, was not feeling her best—she had been progressively losing weight despite an increased appetite, urinating and drinking more than normal, and having intermittent vomiting. Once blood work was completed at her veterinarian office, it was determined “Meow” had hyperthyroidism–a condition in which the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. After review of her options, “Meow” and her mom traveled across Lake Champlain to come see Dr. Bryan Harnett for Radioiodine Treatment, (I-131). Radioactive Iodine Treatment is the only permanent, nonsurgical cure for feline hyperthyroidism with a 98+% success rate. Before treatment, “Meow’s” thyroxine hormone (T4) level was 16.9. The normal range is 0.8-4.0.

One month after I-131 treatment, “Meow’s” T4 level is 1.1 and her mom says she is back to her playful self and has gained back some healthy weight. We are so pleased with the outcome and appreciate being part of “Meow’s” health care treatment!

For more information on Radioiodine Treatment, please visit our Radioiodine Page, https://bevsvt.com/specialty-services/radioactive-iodine/.

Houle, Meow3 Houle, Meow

Written by Aimee Gilfillan

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