24/7 Emergency
(802) 863-2387

Hi BEVS staff,

Thanks for all of your efforts to save our dog Kiska. Two weeks out and he’s looking great. We took a walk in the woods this morning and then the dogs fell asleep on the couch. Can’t believe that he is alive at all, let alone doing as well as he is.

All of his smaller wounds have formed scabs, and the hole in his side is so much smaller and shows no sign of infection so far. He is scheduled to see his local vet again on Monday for a rabies booster. The hope is that he keeps going in the same direction.

Thank you for helping him when he was in such desperate need. Thanks for the kindness you showed to our whole family.

Take care,

Suite 6

Suite 5

Suite 4

Suite 3

Suite 2

Suite 1

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