Keep reading to learn more about our guidelines, your pet’s candidacy, and day-of procedure information.
Is Your Pet a Candidate?
We currently offer this service to stable patients with a referral from your primary care veterinarian. Pets that require sedation, tissue sampling, or immediate medical attention due to trauma or illness should either be referred to Internal Medicine or be evaluated by the emergency department.
How to Schedule an Appointment
Once your pet’s candidacy has been approved by your veterinarian and a referral is obtained, please schedule an appointment by reaching out to our team at 802-863-2387. Outpatient ultrasound appointments are available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday – times vary.
Please be aware that an outpatient ultrasound appointment does not include an Internal Medicine consultation and you will not meet with a veterinarian after the procedure is performed.
How to Prepare Pets for An Ultrasound
For our team to get the best images possible, we ask that you withhold food beginning at midnight the night before the exam. Since a full stomach can impede the visualization of certain abdominal organs, fasting is a crucial measure. Should your pet have a medical condition that prevents fasting, please inform us beforehand so we can ensure the best possible approach. You may, however, provide water to your pet leading up to the exam. If you have a pet who is anxious, consider giving them their previously prescribed anxiety medication or getting a proper prescription from your veterinarian if you don’t already have one.
Ultrasound Procedure Details
Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. A dedicated ultrasound technician will meet with you to collect a brief history of your pet and answer any questions you may have. Please note that your pet’s abdomen will be shaved to optimize imaging.
Once the procedure is complete (scans take around 30 minutes), your pet will be returned to you, and you can proceed to check out at the front desk. Your primary care veterinarian can expect a report of our veterinary internist’s findings within 24 hours of the exam. If you wish to arrange a consultation with our Internal Medicine team, please contact 802-863-2387.
BEVS’ Commitment and Dedication
Aimed at providing more comprehensive and complete care to our pet patients, we look forward to offering outpatient ultrasounds to help diagnose and treat the most serious diseases affecting your pet’s internal body systems.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at (802) 863-2387.