Just a note to let you know that “Puppy Trenkle” (we hadn’t even had him long enough to name him) is recovering very well from Parvo this week since his discharge from BEVS last Tuesday. Every day he improves with his appetite, energy, playfulness and stools. We don’t think he’s completely normal yet, but he continues to make forward progress. He really likes to bite noses and ears, his appetite is getting really good, he likes to be with his people, that is, if he’s not with his people, he throws quite the tantrum! He loves playing with his toys and loves to snuggle after a good meal. And he finally has a name!! Named after the fearless and noble Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, I introduce to you, “Obi”. Attached are a few pictures. I’ve said it before but have to say it again. We would not be with our beloved Obi if it weren’t for your hard work, care, dedication and love. A million thanks to all of you.
Warm regards,