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(802) 863-2387
Ouch! How to Handle Porcupine Quillings

Ouch! How to Handle Porcupine Quillings

As springtime approaches and people and their pets start spending more time outside, our Emergency & Critical Care Services team always sees an increase in porcupine quilling injuries. Although they say curiosity killed the cat, in our experience, it’s dogs who...
Ice, Snow & Skis: Winter Pet Safety

Ice, Snow & Skis: Winter Pet Safety

Here in Vermont, we are no strangers to winter weather. And although a pet’s tolerance for cold and snowy weather can vary by breed, age, and general overall health, any pet can suffer from hypothermia, frostbite, or other cold-weather injuries. Whether your pet loves...

Poison Prevention Week for Pets

by M. Kathleen Shaw, DVM Vermont Veterinary Medical Association Poison prevention week for pets is March 15th through the 21st. This annual observance started in 1961 to highlight the dangers of accidental poisonings in children, and is a great time to discuss...
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